Wednesday, July 27, 2011


 First weekend Brian was gone my friends kept me thoroughly busy :) I spent the night at Kasia's house saturday night, lounging in her Walmart inflatable pool and playing with the kittens her cat had had recently. Sunday I spent at the beach, playing in the ocean and building a pretty impressive sandcastle with Sydney (the girl on top of Leslie). Fun stuff! Anyone want a kitten? There are two left and Kasia's getting desperate.

 The next weekend I worked, and the following I headed up to VA where I saw the last Harry Potter movie with my mother-in-law (so sad to see the end, I started Harry Potter in highschool...). I got caught up on the sisters-in-law gossip and then headed to the farm to visit Pop-pop. This is Remus being introduced to the cows. After tentative beginnings, he and this dun colored lady developed a firm friendship, she even headbutted the gate which Remus took as a sign to try and play with her. Cows are curious creatures.

Two generations solving the world's problems before dinner :) I got my fill of political discussion, fascinating, but my brain was definitely tired by the end of it.

FISHING!! Dad and I went down to the pond, caught a few off the dock, and then pushed the rowboat into the water for a lazy few hours on the water. We actually caught quite a few, it was a ton of fun. Remus, after some pitiful howling and running around the bank gave a heart rending "rooooorrroooooooo" and took off for the shade of the porch.

When dad and I made it back to Lillington (dad came down to drive back the Carolla) there was a mysterious package on my front porch. It was strange enough that the mailman had actually delivered the package (usually they stay clear of the porch due to Remus) it was even stranger when the address was from Texas but not from the LaVoies. WELL it was quite a wonderful surprise. Inside were goodies from texas and notes of encouragement from Rachel and her small group. I was very overwhelmed when I realized what it was, it was the best ending to a great weekend. Unfortunately, the salsa bottle had broken, but I managed to get most of it into a tupperware container for further sampling. It tasted spicy, yum! Remus was very cooperative in taking the picture, I think my mini-melt down when I opened the box had him very confused, haha.

My man :) This was taken after a day at the range. He sounds ok, bored mostly, we've already written over 30pages in emails. I miss him. 21days down!

Thats all for now! Visiting the GA cousins next :)

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