Monday, July 18, 2011

Picture Post of Pre-deployment! Part 2

 Brian's stuff ready to go! He sent over a giant box a week or so ago already. The bag in the back they call the "Dead Hooker Bag" because it's big enough to fit a person inside and has wheels atached for easy moving...I guess to dispose of all the dead hookers the army collects? It's REALLY heavy when packed though. The greenish vest thingie is Brian's R-BAV, which is basically his body armor. It has big metal chest and back plates and even comes with funky attachable neck and groin protection, but they look really weird and no one apparently uses them. I call it his Turtle Pack :)

 Cookie baking! I was extremely keyed up as Brian did his double checking to make sure he had everything he needed, so I decided to bake cookies for him to munch on on the flight. I made one batch of dough and then split the cookies between regular dark chocolate chip cookies and ones made with the white chocolate chips. The white ones are too sweet for me but Brian likes them. All the extra cookies Brian couldn't fit I ended up bringing to work where they were quickly devoured.

Turtle Cookie! Instead of telling Brian to be safe, I tell him to "Embrace the Turtle" (meaning, wear that turtle pack faithfully)

All ready to go. We had to leave the house around 1300 (1pm) to get to the appointed place for formation and weapons draw on time. He didn't end up boarding the bus until 2000 (8pm) due to a bunch of delays. We weren't allowed to follow the buses over to the Green Ramp where the flight was leaving. Apparently they used to allow families over there, but then one little boy managed to pull a fire alarm because he didn't want his dad to leave. SO now families say good bye at the buses.

Thats everything! I have pictures of a beach trip I can post the weekend after he left. I have great friends who kept me entertained that first weekend :)

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