Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wondrous Words Wednesday

I've been enjoying reading this link up on my sister's blog here , so I figured I'd give it a try.

Hosted by Bermuda Onion

I am currently on a Shakespeare kick. I find the more I read him the more I understand and the more I enjoy his mastery of the english language. However, there are a plethora of words that I am unfamiliar with, or words of whose exact meanings I was unsure (being lazy and just guessing by context instead of looking them up). Here are my selections from "Twelfth Night."

zanies: "I protest I take these wise men that crow so at these set kind of Fools no better than the Fools' zanies."

(1) Subordinate fools in comedies whose function is to imitate the main comic character. (2) assistants, flatterers.

nonpariel: "O' such love/Could be but recompensed though you were crowned/The nonpareil of beauty."

Adjective- having no equal, peerless. Noun-A person or thing having no equal. It also means a small pellet of colored sugar for decorating candy, cake, and cookies and a flat, round, bite-sized piece of chocolate covered with this sugar.

consanquineous: "Am not I consanguineous? Am not I of her blood?"

of the same blood, related. (This word was actually self defining, but I thought it was neat and I hadn't heard it before so I figured I'd add it to the list.)

fustian: "A fustian riddle!"

pretentious, pompous

vouchsafed: "My matter hath no voice, lady, but to your own most pregnant and vouchsafed ear."

 willing, graciously attentive

The following are Shakespearing slang. I don't know if they count, but they might be fun to slip in to casual conversation to see who is paying attention.

sneck up: shut up. HA! Going to try this one out at work...

sheep-biter: dog. Derogatory slang used by Thomas Nash to describe a hypocritical Puritan.


  1. I knew the nonpariel you put on cookies and cupcakes. I love sneck up too!

  2. I know consanguinous, and have looked up vouchsafed recently. Shakespeare is an amazing source of new words!

  3. That was the definition for nonpareil I knew as well. I love finding words with two very different meanings. Sneck up has gotten me a lot of funny looks so far, but it is too much fun to stop saying. :)

  4. Shakespeare is definitely one of my "Go-To" sources for vocabulary building. Vouchsafed I felt like I should've already known, but I had never bothered to look up an official definition. This link up might actually help me curb my lazy reading habits!
